Laotian Times-14 Dec 2017

The twelfth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage took place on the island of Jeju, South Korea.

Over the six days, the twenty-four members of the Committee, elected by the General Assembly of the 2003 Convention, discussed a number of cultural heritage practices that needed safeguarding around the world.   One of these issues included the phenomenon known as Khaen music. It had been decided that Khaen music was an instrumental practice belonging to the Lao people and has been inscribed in the 2017 List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding by UNESCO.

The UNESCO site states that Khaen music of the Laotian people is an integral part of Lao life that promotes family and social cohesion. To maintain the practice in spite of lifestyle changes – including urbanization – several local communities, associations and groups have begun various initiatives to consolidate and promote it through formal and non-formal education. In 2005, the Association of Khaen Arts was established and various festivals are organized to promote and enhance the art.