Most age groups saw a rise in suicide rates in 2022, particularly among young people and seniors.

Today-July 1

In 2022, Singapore recorded 476 suicide cases, the highest since 2000 when there were 348 cases. The Samaritans of Singapore’s figures showed that the highest number of deaths in 2022 was among people aged 20 to 29 and the highest increase was among seniors aged 70 to 79. Suicide remains the leading cause of death for the fourth consecutive year among people aged 10 to 29. The most frequently presented problems for those who seek help with SOS involved family, jobs finances and romantic relationships. SOS said suicide prevention is a complex issue involving various stakeholders and everyone needs to “continue to turn conversations into actions”. In the latest set of data released, Singapore saw its highest number of suicide rates since 2000, and the greatest number of deaths was among young people aged 20 to 29. The Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) said a press statement on Friday (June 30) that a total of 476 suicides were reported last year, with 91 being people in their 20s. In 2000, when the non-profit organization first recorded suicide data, there were 348 suicide cases. Overall, the latest figures also showed a concerning 25.9 per cent rise from 2021 when there were 378 cases, SOS said. Last year, suicide rates went up for most age groups, but particularly among the young and seniors. And males outnumbered females among the casualties, as was the case in past years. People aged 70 to 79 registered the highest increase of 60 per cent in suicide deaths compared to last year, a rise from 30 to 48, SOS said. For those aged 10 to 29, suicide remains the leading cause of death for the fourth consecutive year, constituting 33.6 per cent of all deaths within this group. On what were the likely causes for the rise in suicides, SOS told TODAY that suicide is complex and influenced by a variety of factors so it cannot comment for sure. “But according to what we’ve observed from our services (such as the hotline and text chat), the top three most frequently presented problems were family problems, employment and financial difficulties, as well as romantic relationships.” Read more at: