The Straits Times-Jan 18, 2023

It is a given in Singapore that a strong work ethic, combined with regular Central Provident Fund (CPF) savings, holds the key to a person’s financial security, not least after retirement. Generations of Singaporeans have thrived on this principle, which wisely avoids the well-meaning but ultimately unsustainable welfarism that was practiced in some countries. Most of them have retreated from the idea that the state can fulfil individual economic needs indefinitely without citizens playing their role as workers and without the instinctive thrift that prepares them for economic exigencies. However, the Singapore work model came into its own during a relatively stable era of employment. Those times have passed into an age when the world of work is beset by structural change, witnessed in rapid technological change that leads to industrial disruption and dislocation even as it creates new opportunities. Read more at: First published in The Straits Times