Irrawaddy-Jan 26

Myanmar’s junta has warned people not to participate in next week’s silent strike planned for the anniversary of the February 1 coup, saying that anyone taking part in the strike will face legal action, including possibly being charged under the Counter-Terrorism Law. Anyone who closes a business or shop for a day or who claps in support of the strike could face charges carrying punishment of up to life imprisonment, according to an announcement released by the military regime on Tuesday.

The warning is an attempt to prevent the protest after the previous silent strikes saw the whole nation of over 54 million people staying out of sight for the day, with even roadside vendors who need to earn money daily refusing to open their businesses. That was a major embarrassment for the junta, which insists that ‘normalcy’ is returning to the country. The upcoming silent strike will be the third such protest. The first was held on March 24 last year and the second on December 10. In response to the last strike, junta forces smashed up shops that were closed and prevented some store owners from re-opening their shops for days afterwards. Anti-regime groups nationwide have invited the general public to join the February 1 strike by remaining indoors from 10am to 4pm. At 4pm, the strike will end with communal clapping. Read more at: