Irrawaddy-Aug 20

Myanmar’s military regime is confiscating radios from shops and planned to restrict imports after the parallel civilian National Unity Government (NUG) launched a radio station. Radio NUG, named after the shadow-government formed by the ousted National League for Democracy and ethnic representatives in April, launched on Friday and will air twice daily for 30 minutes at 8am and 8pm on 17.71 MHz on a 10-band radio. A Yangon police source told The Irrawaddy: “It was discussed at a security meeting in Yangon to confiscate radios from shops like with PSI satellite dishes before. It was decided at the meeting to seize all shortwave radios. Some suggested restricting people’s access to radios, for example, requesting shops not to sell radios to the public for a certain period.” Radios have been in high demand since the NUG announced its radio station this week. Under previous military dictatorships, citizens were detained for listening to the BBC and teashops were shut for screening Norway-based DVB.

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