Today-Mar 19

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) president Anwar Ibrahim has directed the authorities to arrest any quarters that use religion and race to incite against the government, even as he urged party members at the party’s special congress on Saturday (March 18) to counter the nativist narrative peddled by the Opposition with “facts and argument”.

The directive marks the first time the prime minister has indicated a willingness to use the law against his political rivals, something he had avoided likely for fear of being accused of wanting to stifle dissent. “If you want to criticize, show examples that things should be done better, I can accept. If you want to give suggestions on how to improve the Islamic code or the well-being of the Malays, the poor like many in the ethnic Indian community or even Chinese businesses, go ahead,” Mr Anwar said as he delivered the winding-up speech. “But if you keep using politics that sow dissension, especially using the race card, as I said before, I will not compromise… If you want to criticise go ahead, but if you use race to instigate and disrupt peace, I will make sure to have them arrested.” Read more at: