The Jakarta Post-Apr 26, 2023

The Czech Republic’s Museum of Communism prompts the question whether Indonesia could similarly acknowledge its history’s less-glorious moments. Among the dozens of exciting places to visit in Prague’s Old Town, the Museum of Communism looks somewhat out of place. Not only for its theme, but its modern structure, which stands in contrast with the large churches and bridges around the same area. Those old structures, built during the medieval ages, remind visitors of the Christian empire’s heyday of the past. Why would a nation dedicate a museum to an ideology that caused so much pain to millions worldwide?  Below the large print “Museum of Communism” is a subtitle reading “Dream, Reality, Nightmare”. One obvious takeaway for Indonesians is the museum shows what would most likely have happened to Indonesia had it taken the communist path in the 1960s. Read more at: First published in The Jakarta Post.