JakartaGlobe-Feb 3, 2021

A US citizen ran for district head in Sabu Raijua, a region in one of Indonesia’s poorest province East Nusa Tenggara and managed to win the election with a wide margin in the strangest election mishap the country might ever see. Orient P. Riwu Kore, 56, secured 48 percent of the votes, enough to win with a simple majority over the two other candidates. When registering for his candidacy, Orient used an ID issued in Kupang last year. The General Election Commission (KPU), the institution responsible for holding and officiate elections in Indonesia, even went on to officiate the results and named Orient as the next district head of Sabu Raijua, a region with a population of 93,000. Then came the bombshell: Sabu Raijua’s Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) announced on Tuesday that it had received confirmation from the US Embassy that Orient was still a US citizen.

Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/us-citizen-runs-in-an-indonesian-election-and-wins