JakartaGlobe-Nov 25, 2021

Indonesia is making efforts towards achieving a sustainable and inclusive use of ocean resources —also known as the blue economy— with Sweden. Both countries inked a joint statement on blue economy cooperation during the National Development Planning Minister Suharso Monoarfa’s visit to Sweden in October. Sweden is also supporting the making of Indonesia’s blue economy roadmap. The ocean is vital to the economy, welfare, and prosperity of both countries. According to Suharso, about two-thirds of Indonesia’s territories comprise the ocean, spanning over 6.4 million square kilometers. Indonesia enjoys abundant ocean economic potential, ranging from fisheries, tourism to maritime industry and services.  The picturesque coral reefs are also crucial to marine-based tourism, fisheries, and coastal infrastructure development. Suharso revealed a sustainable coral reefs management could generate an additional $37 billion to Indonesia’s economy by 2030. Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/business/indonesia-sets-sail-for-blue-economy-with-sweden