JakartaGlobe-Mar 16, 2020

Indonesian health authorities announced 17 new confirmed Covid-19 cases on Monday, marking the third straight days of decline in the number of new patients as the country ramping up efforts — except locking down cities — to stop the disease from spreading among the local population.  The total number of patients has reached 134 people since the country first found the pneumonia-like disease in its territory on March 2. The number of fatalities has remained at five and recoveries at eight in the past three days. Most of the new patients were in Jakarta, Achmad Yurianto, the spokesman of Indonesia’s Covid-19 handling team, said in a press conference on Monday.

Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/indonesia-rules-out-lockdowns-as-covid19-new-cases-growth-slows-down