JakartaPost-Oct 21, 2021

Their modern lives notwithstanding, many younger Javanese still turn to primbon for wedding planning. While the majority of Indonesian weddings are held on Saturday and Sunday, a good number take place on other days, including busy work days. For young Javanese couples, the choice relates to the primbon, a Javanese text offering guidance for daily life with elements of prediction that include finding the best dates to hold a wedding. The dates are usually determined by elders considered experts in understanding and interpreting the text’s messages for specific people and circumstances. Adherents believe following the Primbon’s guidance will lead to a prosperous and lifelong marriage and that ignoring it will result in obstacles. Rizki Septiandi is a believer. So much so that he sacrificed the presence of his close friends on his big day. Read more at: https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2021/10/21/return-to-innocence-a-new-javanese-generation-embraces-traditional-marriage-customs.html