JakartaPost-Jan 26, 2021

The government recently kicked off a national campaign to encourage COVID-19 survivors to donate their convalescent plasma for patients, as clinical trials are ongoing in Indonesia, despite other countries having halted their trials following undesired results. Coordinating Human Development and Culture Minister Muhadjir Effendy cited a preliminary study by Saiful Anwar Regional General Hospital (RSUD) in Malang, East Java, which found patients with severe cases who received the experimental treatment had a 100 percent rate of recovery and critical patients had an 85 percent rate of recovery. But clinical trials abroad, as well as experts at home — both involved and not involved in local trials — have rather doubted the therapy’s effectiveness in critical cases.

Read more at  https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2021/01/26/indonesia-puts-convalescent-plasma-on-pedestal-but-how-effective-is-it.html.