JakartaGlobe-Apr 20, 2020

The National Police will carry out more street patrols and raids in anticipation of rising crimes after the Justice and Human Rights Ministry released more than 38,000 prisoners this month to prevent Covid-19 outbreaks inside Indonesia’s overcrowded jails. Reports emerged in the past week that some of the paroled convicts have been re-arrested after committing violent crimes. To maintain public order and security, the National Police have ordered preemptive and preventive measures to avoid a surge in street crimes. Agus said more patrols and raids will be carried out in vulnerable areas where the released prisoners are freely assimilating. The police will also cooperate with local administrators – from urban hamlet (RW) and neighborhood unit (RT) heads to prison wardens – in areas where the prisoners have been released.

Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/police-to-increase-patrols-fearing-crime-spike-after-38000-prisoners-are-released