JakartaGlobe-July 5

The government has decided to provide free telemedicine services to monitor Covid-19 patients who are self-isolating at home to ease the burden at overloaded hospitals across the country. Eleven private-run telemedicine platforms, including Alodokter, GetWell, Good Doctor, GrabHealth, Halodoc, KlikDokter, KlinikGo, Link Sehat, Milvik Doctor, ProSehat, SehatQ, and YesDok, will provide doctor consultation services and drug delivery services, all paid for by the Ministry of Health.

Indonesia reported more than 27,000 new cases on Sunday, the highest in the world after India and Brazil, according to website Worldometer. According to data collected from the Ministry of Health’s hospital bed occupancy real-time report, Jakarta’s Covid-19 hospitals only have 10 percent of beds available. Local media reported that Dr. Sardjito Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in Yogyakarta, run out of oxygen at one time over the weekend, leading to the deaths of at least 33 patients being treated there.

Read more at:https://jakartaglobe.id/news/please-stay-at-home-indonesia-turns-to-telemedicine-as-new-cases-rise-to-3rd-highest-in-the-world