JakartaGlobe-Apr 22, 2021

A number of countries have offered their assistance to the Indonesian Navy to locate its submarine that went missing during a combat exercise on Wednesday.

The Navy is racing against time to locate KRI Nanggala-402 submarine and learn the fate of its 53 crew members because the oxygen supply — if the submarine remains intact — will deplete in three days maximum. Singapore was the first to deploy personnel and a rescue vessel within hours since the news broke.

(Indonesian Defense Minister) Prabowo Subianto said South Korea and India also have offered assistance in the search operation. “South Korea contacted us just now offering their help, and so did India,” Prabowo said in a joint press conference with the top brass of the military in Jakarta.

Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/neighbors-offer-help-as-search-for-missing-indonesian-submarine-continues