A native of Menoro village, Chotijah said she was urged by her parents to marry 25-year-old Chodiron – whom she met through her aunt – when she was only 16 in 2011. At the time, Chotijah was a student at an Islamic boarding school and said she did not feel ready to marry at such a young age. But her parents, both farmers, were struggling to take care of Chotijah and her younger brother and they convinced Chotijah to marry. (JG Photo / Yudha Baskoro)

JakartaGlobe-July 8

The rate of early marriages in Probolinggo Regency, East Java, remains notably high. According to data from the Kraksaan Religious Court, approximately 189 children applied for marriage dispensations between January and May 2024. These children sought marriage dispensations because they had not yet reached the minimum legal marriageable age stipulated by law. Faruq, the Junior Registrar of Law at the court, explained that the Marriage Law requires both male and female prospective spouses to be at least 19 years old. Faruq noted that the high number of early marriages remains a significant concern. Out of the 189 children who applied for dispensations, only 128 cases have been resolved. “128 children have been allowed to marry, while the remaining cases are still being processed,” he said. Faruq detailed several factors contributing to child marriage, including cultural practices where parents believe that children who reach a certain age should marry quickly to avoid immoral behavior. To prevent their children from engaging in premarital sex, some parents opt for early marriages, despite the children’s young age. “Regardless of the reason, early marriage is not recommended, as the children are typically not ready, both psychologically and economically,” Faruq emphasized. Indonesia recorded a child marriage rate of 9.23 percent in 2023, equivalent to 163,371 incidents, according to the latest data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). This means that one out of nine females experiences child marriage, while the ratio is 1 in 100 for males aged 20-24 who marry as children. The Indonesian government has tried to deter child marriage by introducing legislation that raised the marriageable age from 16 to 19, yet a religious court can still grant an exemption allowing marriage from any age. Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/lifestyle/nearly-200-child-marriage-applications-filed-in-probolinggo-in-early-2024