JakartaPost-June 24, 2020

In the time of COVID-19, the role midwives play in helping mothers during and after labor and during pregnancy is more essential than ever.

With the number of COVID-19 cases still rising, midwives across Indonesia must navigate new procedures while delivering babies, in the full knowledge that they are exposing themselves to possible infection. Sinta, 23, a midwife who works at a hospital in Tangerang, Banten, said there was a heightened sense of caution and seriousness in her workplace to ensure that safety protocols were followed, especially after the government announced the nation’s first COVID-19 case in March. She said more tests needed to be conducted and more information gathered on the condition of mothers entering the emergency room, including waiting for COVID-19 rapid test results.

Read more at: https://www.thejakartapost.com/paper/2020/06/23/midwives-take-on-greater-role-during-pandemic.html