JakartaGlobe-Sept 14, 2020

Indonesia is losing its doctors and nurses to the Covid-19 pandemic at a significantly faster rate than other countries in the world, further undermining the country’s overstretched healthcare system. About 92 health workers died for every 100,000 Covid-19 cases identified in Indonesia, according to the Jakarta Globe calculation based on data on Sep. 12. That is the fourth-highest fatality rate for health workers across the world after Mexico, Egypt, and the United Kingdom, according to the latest available data collected by Amnesty International and Our World in Data. Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), the country’s medical doctor organization, reported 115 doctors have lost their lives to the Covid-19 disease by Saturday since the pandemic began in March. At least 82 nurses have also died from Covid-19 during the period, data from a volunteer group Lapor Covid-19 showed.

Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/indonesia-is-losing-health-workers-at-an-alarming-rate