JakartaGlobe-June 10

The government has to improve digital infrastructure around the country, especially in poorer remote areas, since fast internet connection will be one of the essential services of a “new normal,” the House of Representatives’ Commission I chairwoman Meutya Hafid said on Wednesday. Many Indonesians are stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic and forced to rely on the internet to stay connected with the outside world. As a result, demand for faster internet has risen. “In the new normal, internet connection will be an essential infrastructure. Digital infrastructure should be built in every corner of the country. But the reality is we still have internet inequality, and regional areas are the ones who suffer,” Meutya said in an online discussion with the Communication and Information Technology Ministry.

Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/internet-inequality-a-major-stumbling-block-for-new-normal