JakartaGlobe-June 21, 2022 ​​​​

The House of Representatives is mulling over a more generous paternity leave on the maternal and child welfare bill. On this bill, the House proposes a 40-day paternity leave.This would be a huge jump from the current two-day paternity leave according to the 2003 Law on Manpower. Whereas the 2017 State Civil Service regulation allows a one-month paternity leave for male civil servants. Article 6 on the maternal and child welfare bill states that husbands have the right to take paternity leave for a maximum of 40 days to accompany their wives at childbirth. They would also be entitled to take a leave of up to 7 days in case of miscarriage. Only a few companies in Indonesia have implemented a generous paternity leave. According to Willy, paternity leave is still perceived as less important than its maternity counterpart. Female employees are currently entitled to take three-month maternity leave, according to the 2003 Law on Manpower. Willy Aditya, the deputy head of the legislative body of the House said the maternal bill put emphasis on a child’s golden years — a crucial time in a child’s development. He added the bill was also crucial to promote Indonesia’s human capital in its pursuit of reaching a golden era in 2045. Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/house-mulls-40day-paternity-leave-on-child-welfare-bill-