The Jakarta Post-June 21

Since the founding of the republic, we have been facing a deficit of candidates for president, forcing the nation to let authoritarianism rule over the country for more than 50 years. The same scarcity took place when we held the 2014 presidential election, leading the nation into a clear-cut division that has left many unhealed wounds.

The same threat of polarization is creeping in, with the incumbent President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo facing a potential rematch against Prabowo Subianto in the upcoming election slated for April 19 next year. If it happens, nobody can prevent history from repeating itself: a smear campaign used in a massive, structured and systematic manner at the expense of common sense. Fake news and the exploitation of ethnic, group and religious sentiments will characterize the election once again, keeping our democracy from maturing.

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First published in: The Jakarta Post