The long journey of the Equal Marriage Law

NationThailand-June 20

The historic push for Thailand’s Equal Marriage Law has succeeded, making it the first ASEAN country to legalise marriage for same-sex couples, and granting them the same rights as opposite-sex spouses. However, the road to the LGBTQ+ community’s true celebration during Pride Month has been fraught with challenges, including societal understanding and legislative hurdles. The journey began with the Move Forward Party, led by Tunyawaj Kamolwongwat, a party-list MP, who introduced a draft amendment to the Civil and Commercial Code (also known as the Equal Marriage Bill) to the House on June 18, 2020, during the 25th parliamentary session presided over by Chuan Leekpai. At the time, the issue received little attention, even though it represented a major change in the fundamental rights of same-sex couples. The Equal Marriage Bill followed the necessary steps, including public hearings conducted through the House’s website from July 2 to August 6, 2020. This consultation saw 54,445 opinions from a total of 1.24 million views. Opinions were mixed, with some in favor and others opposed, leading to adjustments in the draft. However, it took a year and three months to be considered, finally being discussed on February 9, 2022. During Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha’s tenure, the government used a tactic to delay the bill by requesting 60 days for review, a move understood to be a way to sideline it. Despite the Move Forward Party’s insistence on a vote, the minority had to concede, leading to a four-month delay. During this period, the government prepared countermeasures, including drafting a Civil Partnership Bill through the Justice Ministry and introducing their version of the Equal Marriage Bill. The Democrat Party also supported and proposed their civil partnership bill to stay relevant. The journey of the Equal Marriage Bill spanned four years, crossing two government administrations, and is now set to become law, awaiting official promulgation. Read more at: