Today-May 5

The Archbishop of the Catholic Church in Singapore issued an apology on Thursday (May 5) after a notable member of a Catholic order was earlier in the day jailed for committing sexual acts on two teenage boys. In a letter published on the Catholic Church’s website after the man’s sentencing, Reverend Father William Goh apologised on behalf of the Church and asked for justice to be “rendered accordingly”. “Like many of you, I am dismayed, shocked and ashamed,” he said. Archbishop Goh added that the case has an impact on the work of others in his faith and gave assurances that the archdiocese takes very seriously the provision of a safe environment especially where children and young persons are present. On Thursday, the member of the Catholic order — a Singaporean in his mid-60s — was jailed for five years after engaging in sexual acts with two teenage boys sometime between 2005 and 2007. The man committed his crime after forging close relationships with the two victims, even going out for meals with the family of one of them. In his remarks during sentencing, the judge described the case as an “egregious” abuse of trust and authority. Read more at: