East Asia Forum-May 20, 2024

In its 2016 ruling, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague found China’s claims to the South China Sea, based on its ‘nine-dash’ line, had no legal standing under the UNCLOS. But the Philippines remains torn between negotiating with China individually and seeking support from its ally the United States, which risks exacerbating Chinese fears of containment via proxy. ASEAN unity, expressed through effective cooperation and regional institutions, could provide a solution by helping the smaller nations of Asia assert their collective interests against larger powers, as well as serving as a platform for the defence of economic openness through mechanisms such as RCEP. Read more at: https://eastasiaforum.org/2024/05/20/asean-needs-stronger-home-grown-institutions-to-lock-in-regional-unity/ First published in East Asia Forum