Mizzima.com-Feb 7

One year after the February 2021 military coup, the Golden Land is in dire straits both in terms of the threat to human rights and lives posed by the illegal junta and the toll the crisis has taken on employment, business and the overall economy. Myanmar looks set to become a basket case unless something drastic is done.

Given the call by Myanmar citizens for an end to brutal junta rule and the sensitivity of the situation, it is not too surprising that there was an explosion of anger over the Channel News Asia interview with UN Special Envoy Dr Noeleen Heyzar last week. Many Myanmar citizens have been protesting for an end to the military regime and the return of democratic rule, a growing number of the younger generation joining the ranks of the resistance movement under the label People’s Defence Forces or PDFs. Given the public anger, many – including hundreds of CSOs – were upset by the stated notion, voiced by the interviewer, that the UN Special Envoy was advocating for a “power sharing” arrangement with the military junta as a path to peace. Read more at: https://www.mizzima.com/article/un-special-envoy-myanmar-ruffles-feathers-her-remarks-about-junta