Mr. Koumjian

Mizzima-Aug 16

A Myanmar conflict rights probe update was released on 13 August 2024 warning of the ‘incredible brutality’ of warring forces.

Conflict in Myanmar between the military junta and opposition forces is increasingly brutal, with both sides likely responsible for international crimes including summary executions, top independent rights investigators said on Tuesday. In a call to regional bloc ASEAN to help end the violence and support efforts to bring perpetrators to justice, the head of the Human Rights Council-appointed probe into the Myanmar emergency, Nicholas Koumjian, described an increasingly “desperate” junta whose devastating military tactics were being matched by opposition fighters acting with total impunity. Mr. Koumjian added that his investigators had also seen a video “that showed resistance forces beheading two captured soldiers in Loikaw in Kayah State in November, December of last year”, along with another video posted on social media of two young men being burned to death in Magway region. “So, this kind of incredible brutality is going on,” he said. The Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM or Mechanism) was created by the Human Rights Council in 2018 to collect evidence of the most serious international crimes committed in Myanmar since 2011. It released its latest annual report on Tuesday. Read more at: