Frontier Myanmar-Apr 12

As the military brazenly guns down its own citizens in ever-larger numbers, activists are finding new ways to resist. Although the military’s brutality and the rising death toll have deterred many from taking to the streets, they have not broken people’s determination to resist. Many are responding to the security forces’ violence by formulating new protest methods that they hope will minimize casualties. In the third week of March, protests shifted from noon start times to the pre-dawn hours in cities and towns across the country, in an effort to avoid confrontations. Moan Lyan said these “strikes without people” began in Myitkyina, the Kachin State capital, but quickly spread around the country by word-of-mouth and on social media. On March 22, three days before the Dawn Spring Flower Strike, residents in Hlaing launched hydrogen balloons carrying messages of protest into the air.

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