Mizzima-Aug 6

ASEAN must engage with the NUG, which continues to “extend its full cooperation” with ASEAN as Myanmar’s legitimate representatives, says NGO Progressive Voice.

The following is the NGO’s 2 August statement on the recent ASEAN meeting: As the 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM) concluded on 25 July in Vientiane, Laos, a persistence with the failing Five-Point Consensus (5PC) and the lack of representation from legitimate dialogue partners, such as the National Unity Government (NUG) and ethnic resistance organizations, demonstrate ASEAN’s continued ineffectiveness vis-à-vis the multifaceted, military-created crisis in Myanmar. And while ASEAN accepted junta representatives at the AMM, this is completely at odds with the reality on the ground, where the junta lacks legitimacy and is rapidly losing more territory throughout the country. Indonesia’s Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, clearly frustrated with the junta’s complete lack of political will to comply with the 5PC, apparently told the AMM, “There is no progress on the implementation of five-point consensus. And if there is no progress still, Myanmar’s participation in ASEAN foreign ministers’ meetings and summits must be kept at non-political level.” Similarly, the Australian Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, who attended the ASEAN Regional Forum, told the media that, “Myanmar is deeply concerning, we see it in the economy, instability, insecurity, deaths. The message I want to send to the military regime is ‘this is not sustainable for you and your people.”’ It is inconceivable and frustrating that these political leaders continue to speak, yet not take concerted, concrete action to meet the urgent needs of Myanmar’s people and stop the junta’s campaign of terror. It is deeply disappointing that ASEAN’s and indeed the UN’s and its member states’ approach to Myanmar, is still tied to the moribund 5PC. With further losses in Rakhine State, Mandalay Region, and in northern Shan State in recent weeks, the perception that the military junta is in control of the country becomes even more untenable. Read more at:
