Mizzima-June 4

A Singaporean has embarked on a bicycle journey from Singapore to Bangkok to raise $100,000 for the Mae Tao Clinic in Mae Sot, Thailand. The funds will be used to provide healthcare and education for Myanmar citizens who have fled their country. Jeshua Soh rode a bicycle to raise funds from Singapore to Bangkok covering nearly 2,000 kilometers. He completed the trip from 28 April to 13 May, and by 31 May, 70 per cent of the campaign target was reached. Soh, the founder of Crossworks Myanmar, said, “While I cannot change international or national policy on either the Thai or Myanmar side, I can do what I can, which is to cycle to raise awareness and funds for the Mae Tao Clinic to help them deal with the increased caseload and support their ongoing operations.” The charity ride from Singapore to Bangkok was prompted by the increasing violence in Myawaddy and the growing number of refugees being accommodated by Thailand. During an earlier visit to Mae Sot, he noticed the urgent need for resources at the Mae Tao clinic due to the rising demand for healthcare and education. So, he decided to cycle to raise awareness and funds to help them manage the growing and critical operations. Thailand shares a 2,414-kilometre border with Myanmar. The Mae Tao Clinic, located on the Thai Myanmar border, has partnerships with migrant learning centers and has helped train healthcare professionals and establish satellite clinics in and beyond Myanmar. The clinic acts as a catalyst for positive work beyond its internal capacity. Soh chose the clinic due to its 35 years of operation, hospitality, and commitment to making healthcare a basic human right. Soh runs Crossworks is said to be Myanmar’s top remote hiring-as-a-service company, connecting local Myanmar talent with international remote job opportunities. Reads more at: https://eng.mizzima.com/2024/06/04/10531