One in three Malaysian teens overweight or obese, says deputy health minister, as study reveals alarming spike

MalayMail/BorneoPost-July 22

A recent study has revealed an alarming finding — that one in three Malaysian teenagers is overweight or obese. In highlighting this, Deputy Health Minister Datuk Lukanisman Awang Sauni says it raises major concern among health officials, adding that the prevalence of obesity is much higher in major cities and urban areas.

“For example, in Putrajaya the number of obese teenagers is higher because of unhealthy eating habits. “There’s a lot of processed food (intake), which is not healthy,” he told reporters when met after the launch of ‘Kembara Sihat Sejahtera’ — Health Promotion in Learning Institutions (HePiLI) with Didi and Friends’, at a shopping mall here yesterday. Lukanisman said the study under the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) also revealed that four out of five teenagers in Malaysia were physically inactive; two in three leading sedentary lifestyles; four in five not eating enough fruits and vegetables; and one in 10 having attempted to commit suicide.

“Obesity among teenagers in Malaysia is a priority of the Health Ministry, as this condition can lead to other health issues in the future if not addressed urgently.

“It can also lead to other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and hypertension when they become adults — this will impact nation’s productivity and economy in the future.” It was on the back of this scenario that his ministry had launched the ‘Kembara Sihat Sejahtera-HePILI’ program, said Lukanisman. “This program is targeting primary and secondary schools, as well as institutions of higher learning, to promote healthy lifestyles to the students.” Earlier in his speech, Lukanisman said the program’s core objective was to raise the awareness of the importance of health and wellbeing to Malaysians in general, and specifically to children. Read more at: