By Bertil Lintner

The Irrawaddy-Aug 26, 2024

Is the Myanmar junta turning to the infamous Russian Wagner Group of state-sponsored mercenaries for help in its wars against a multitude of armed groups opposing its February 2021 seizure of power? That, at least, is what is being claimed in the 61st bulletin from a Chinese-language website called One Guide that covers the fighting in northern Myanmar. It has long been suspected that the junta would seek assistance from a group like Wagner, but the One Guide’s 61st bulletin is the first that mentions the outfit by name in a Myanmar context. The dispatch appeared online on YouTube in the second week of August, and, if correct, would explain how the junta could circumvent Section 42 (b) of the 2008 army-drafted constitution, which bans the deployment of foreign troops in Myanmar. Read more at: First published in The Irrawaddy