JakartaGlobe-Nov 5

Hardline Muslim cleric Rizieq Shihab has gathered thousands of people in many events in Jakarta and West Java since his return from self-exile in Saudi Arabia last week, increasing the risk of Covid-19 spread as the Jakarta provincial government and the National Police looked away from his crowd’s blatant disregard of the health protocols. It took six days for the authority to punish Rizieq for the gatherings. The Jakarta Municipal Police (Satpol PP) fined him Rp 50 million ($3,500) on Sunday for celebrating the Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday and his daughter’s marriage, which gathers thousands of people at his house in Petamburan, Central Jakarta a day earlier.

Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/what-pandemic-govt-turns-a-blind-eye-as-hardliners-break-health-protocols