JakartaGlobe-Oct 6, 2020

The House of Representatives has passed the Job Creation Bill into law on Monday, three days ahead of schedule, pleasing the countries business community, which has been put their hope on the law to eliminate many regulatory bottlenecks that hinder investment in Indonesia. Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Rosan P. Roeslani said, the law would help ensure around two million job seekers entering the workforce in Indonesia every year would find many job openings available for them. Parliament passed the bill amid threats from Indonesian workers unions to stage a national strike from Tuesday until Thursday, the original schedule for the plenary meeting. The worker’s unions argued that the law would remove many of the benefits and protections they enjoyed currently.

Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/business/the-house-passes-omnibus-law-much-to-businesses-delight-workers-ire