Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, center, speaks with Hollywood actor Meryl Streep at the UN headquarters in New York, Monday, Sept. 23, 2024. (Handout)

JakartaGlobe-Sept 24

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has called for the protection of basic rights, such as education and employment, for Afghan women and urged the international community to address the issue. Speaking at a United Nations General Assembly side event in New York on Monday, alongside Hollywood actress Meryl Streep, Retno expressed deep concern over the challenges facing Afghan women today. “According to UNESCO, at least 1.4 million Afghan girls are barred from secondary education in 2024. This alarming situation demands our urgent attention,” Retno said. “As a woman, a mother, a grandmother, and a Muslim, I enjoy freedom and access to almost everything. But what about Afghan women? Do they have the same rights as their brothers?” she questioned. Retno, who will step down next month after a decade as Indonesia’s top diplomat, highlighted Indonesia’s efforts to support Afghan women. These include a psychosocial project in partnership with local NGOs, benefiting 400 Afghan women, as well as a commitment to promoting Sharia microfinance to create job opportunities for women in Afghanistan. “We must use every available platform to amplify the voices of Afghan women,” Retno urged. Retno is set to take on a new role as the UN Special Envoy for Water in November. Read more at: