JakartaGlobe-Apr 4, 2020

Popular Muslim preachers have urged the public to stop stigma related to Covid-19 and avoid discrimination against its victims after reports about people in several cities rejected the deceased’s’ burial in near where they live surfaced in local media. On Tuesday, a protest from Tumiyang village residents in Banyumas district, Central Java, forced the district government to exhume the body of a Covid-19 victim from the cemetery in the village and move it elsewhere. The residents feared that the body may still be able to cause infection in the surrounding area. Muslim preacher and founder of Pondok Pesantren Da’arut Tauhiid Abdullah Gymnastiar, or more famously known as Aa Gym, said such fear was unfounded.

Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/renownedpreacher-calls-for-empathy-following-protests-against-covid19-victim-burial