JakartaPost-Aug 5

State-owned electricity company PLN is looking to trial carbon capture storage (CCS) technology on selected power plants to reduce carbon emissions from the electricity sector. PLN president director Darmawan Prasodjo said on Friday that the company has partnered with international entities to study the implementation of CCS technology in four coal-fired power plants and a gas-fired plant. This includes Japanese power generation company JERA, Yokohama-based engineering firm JGC, Tokyo-based oil and gas giant Inpex and Seoul-based CCS technology provider Karbon Korea, among others. “PLN is critical to Indonesia’s transition to renewable energy. We have a comprehensive energy transition road map and are committed to implementing it to reach net-zero emissions by 2060,” Darmawan said on Friday, as quoted by Tempo. The pilot CCS implementation will include PLTU Suralaya Units 1-4, PLTU Suralaya Units 5-7, PLTU Indramayu, PLTGU Tambak Lorok and PLTU Tanjung Jati B, according to the company. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry and PLN in November last year have agreed to keep coal-fired power plants running until their operational periods end, while implementing means to reduce carbon emissions from these plants, which they call a “coal phasedown”. According to PLN presentation material showed to lawmakers, reducing emissions will include implementing carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology, hydrogen cofiring and the use of ammonia. This is instead of a coal phaseout, a scheme to retire coal-fired plants before their operational lives end, which was initially planned but has been put on the back burner because of limited funding opportunities, especially in the form of grants. Read more at: https://www.thejakartapost.com/business/2024/08/05/pln-looks-to-trial-carbon-capture-at-four-coal-fired-plants.html.