JakartaGlobe-July 22

State-run pharmaceutical company Bio Farma has set a plan to produce 100 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine once the final stage of clinical tests is completed, President Joko Widodo revealed on Wednesday. The vaccine is being developed by China’s Sinovac Biotech who is currently conducting Phase 3 clinical trials in Brazil. The president said Indonesia will join in the Phase 3 trials involving 1,620 volunteers. “We will be conducting Phase 3 clinical trials of the Covid-19 vaccine involving 1,620 volunteers. The process and protocol will be closely monitored and guided by the BPOM [Drug and Food control Agency],” the president wrote on his Twitter account. “If it works, state company Bio Farma is ready to produce 100 million doses a year.”

Read more at: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/indonesia-to-produce-100-million-doses-of-sinovacs-covid19-vaccine