JakartaPost-Nov 21, 2021

The nation’s counterterrorism agency has warned that Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) militants continue to sow the seeds of radicalism as the group infiltrates mainstream religious organizations, government institutions and national politics as a new tactic toward achieving its ideological goals. Ahmad Nurwakhid, deputy for prevention at the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) said JI members were able to infiltrate government institutions and mainstream Islamic groups because of their remarkable ability to blend in. “It’s possible they [have tried to infiltrate] other religious organizations, even NGOs and biking groups,” Nurwakhid told The Jakarta Post on Saturday. “This is part of their strategy change since Para Wijayanto took over the leadership. They used to focus on combatants, but now they have shifted to dakwah [religious propagation] and politics,” he said. Read more at:  https://www.thejakartapost.com/indonesia/2021/11/21/in-tactical-shift-jemaah-islamiyah-militants-infiltrate-mainstream-islamic-groups-politics.html.