Farmers harvest red rice in Jatiwulih Village, Bali, on June 18, 2024. (Antara Photo/Nyoman Hendra Wibowo)

JakartaGlobe-June 22

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has officially enacted Law Number 3 of 2024 concerning Villages. Among several policies outlined in the legislation, a key provision established by the government is the provision of social security protection for village chiefs, village officials, and members of the Village Consultative Board (BPD). In response to the enactment, the Directorate General of Village Governance of the Home Affairs Ministry, in collaboration with the Workers’ Social Security Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), conducted a dissemination session for all provincial and district/city governments, held in Jakarta on Thursday.

Home Affairs Minister, represented by Acting Secretary General Tomsi Tohir, said that this initiative aligns with President Joko Widodo’s vision to develop Indonesia from its peripheries, particularly by strengthening villages across the country. The pivotal role of villages in supporting national economic growth prompted the government to take concrete steps to enhance the welfare of all workers, especially those in rural areas. He highlighted the significant benefits of social security programs and urged all attending local governments to provide social security protection to all officials and residents in accordance with the mandate stipulated in the law. During the discussions held as part of the event, the Director General of Village Governance of the Ministry, La Ode Ahmad P. Bolombo, emphasized the preparation of government regulations and other operational instruments to ensure the prompt implementation of this workers’ social security program. “One of our main goals in making these revisions is to ensure that this protection reaches every village,” he stressed. Read more at: