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JakartaPost-Nov 14, 2023

The race to succeed outgoing President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo after nearly a decade in power has officially begun, with candidate pairs drawing their unique numbers on the ballot on Tuesday ahead of what analysts expect to be a highly competitive contest and two rounds of voting. Opposition figurehead Anies Baswedan and running mate Muhaimin Iskandar drew number 1 on the ballot at the General Elections Commission (KPU) on Tuesday. They are running on the ticket of the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), two Muslim-based parties, as well as the nationalist Nasdem Party. Third time presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto and running mate Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the eldest son of the President, drew number 2. They are supported by the largest electoral alliance of four legislature parties. The Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD pair, who are running on a ticket of the ruling Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and the Muslim-based United Development Party (PPP), got number 3.  This number has often shaped the campaign motto and slogans of candidates in past elections. The draw took place a day after the KPU confirmed that all six candidates are eligible to contest the election, including Gibran, the youngest political scion to ever run for such a high office, even though his entry into the race was marred by a controversial game-changing Constitutional Court ruling. The official campaign season will only take place from Nov. 28 this year to Feb. 10 of next year, but all candidates have already embarked tours across the archipelago seeking support from voters. Read more at: