Activists urge KPK selection committee to oust problematic candidates

JakartaPost-Aug 13, 3034

Anti-graft activists are calling on the Corruption Eradication Commission’s (KPK) commissioner selection committee to take a stronger stance and eliminate problematic candidates from the shortlist, including two incumbent KPK commissioners who have been hit with allegations of ethics violations. The selection committee announced on Thursday that 40 commissioner candidates had passed the written test held late last month; 17 percent of the 236 candidates who passed the administrative selection. Meanwhile, the total applicants for this year’s selection amounted to 318 individuals, down from the 376 people in the 2019 selection round. The 40 candidates, who will be subjected to a profile assessment at the end of this month, include Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) politician Johan Budi, academic Yanuar Nugroho, National Police Commission (Kompolnas) member Poengky Indarti and former minister Sudirman Said. Apart from that, the list also includes controversial figures like KPK commissioners Johanis Tanak and Nurul Ghufron, both of whom have faced ethics probes from the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas KPK) for alleged ethics violations. Dewas KPK was on the verge of announcing the results of its investigation but was forced to delay it as Nurul successfully lodged a complaint against the board at the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN). “What was done by Nurul Ghufron has set a bad precedent and could be followed by other KPK investigators and prosecutors should they also stand accused of an ethics violation,” Mochamad Praswad Nugraha of IM57+, an anti-corruption group established by former KPK employees, said in an online discussion on Thursday. Read more at: