JakartaPost-Nov 1, 2021

Last week, The Observer reported that declassified documents revealed how a propaganda unit from the UK’s Foreign Office secretly egged on prominent Indonesian anticommunists, including senior army commanders, helping launch the mass murder campaign of 1965-66. This involved the production of a newsletter purporting to be produced by “Indonesian patriots” calling for the elimination of the “communist cancer”. The Foreign Office also established a radio station in Malaysia that broadcast anticommunist messages into Indonesia. The propaganda targeted an array of prominent people, including Army generals, and extended up to then-president Sukarno himself. At least 500,000 people linked to the now-defunct Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) – then the biggest communist party under a non-communist regime – and as many as 1 million, were murdered in 1965 and 1966, a purge that led to the downfall of the left-leaning Sukarno and his replacement by Suharto, whose New Order government would reign for more than 30 years. Historian Asvi Warman Adam said resolution was nowhere to be found because there had been no steps toward reconciliation. “It is very difficult to resolve [these cases], but gross human rights violations do not recognize expiration dates,” he added. Read more at: https://www.thejakartapost.com/paper/2021/10/31/1965-survivors-seek-closure-as-uk-files-expose-western-role-in-mass-killings.html.