KhmerTimes-Apr 14, 2024

Cambodia’s market for other pharmaceuticals like the alternative medicine is predicted to hit $64.03 million in 2024, says market researcher In future, the growth rate is expected to remain steady at 4.10 percent annually generating a volume of $75.19 million by 2028. Cambodia’s abundant biodiversity offers a wide range of medicinal plants and herbs, said Jasmin Lim Choy Li, Director, CPC Wellness to Khmer Times. The advantages of alternative medicine are primarily its affordability and non-invasive nature that make it so popular all over the world. The market for alternative medicine does have its share of challenges with lack of regulation and standardization at the top of the list. Following closely is limited scientific evidence to support its efficacy and battle with modern pharmaceuticals for preference. The scarcity of access to education and training like other professional disciplines proves to be another crippling factor. As to the perception of alternative medicine in Cambodia, there is a variance in public opinion among the masses. There is a growing number embracing traditional practices alongside modern healthcare. However there is still a sizeable proportion of the public which looks upon this segment of medicine with scepticism, mainly due to the lack of scientific validation. Lack of follow up and follow through can also prove to be limitations. Read more at:\