By Thong Mengdavid

Khmer Times-Aug 23, 2024

The Buddhist philosophy of the East and the democratic principles of the West are in one way synonymous and in several ways centered on freedom of choice or preferences and a mix of constitutionally protected rights of the people, respectively. The Buddhist philosophy covers the Eightfold Noble Path and the virtuous precepts of good deeds that encompass mutual respect, love, kindness, compassion, integrity, sincerity, truthfulness, nonviolence, and peaceful and harmonious coexistence of the nature and all living beings. The Buddha saw that happiness is the sole goal of existence, while detachments from all desires equate peace of mind and self-fulfillment, and contemporary democracy is founded on the idea that all people are fundamentally equal and have the same rights to life, liberty, and happiness. The desire for a more peaceful and democratic society is more important than ever in today’s world. Read more at: First published in Khmer Times