PhnomPenhPost-Jan 13, 2025

The registration of eight community forest areas, encompassing a total land area of 12,984 hectares, has been supported by the Tumring REDD+ Project. In addition, a 27,508-metre artificial boundary canal was excavated around the community forests last year. The registration and canal excavation aim to secure the forest lands, helping to protect them from illegal encroachment and prevent forest-related crimes, while reducing land disputes. The registered community forests have received legal certification and are clearly posted with signs informing the public that they are fully protected by forestry laws and land management regulations. The Tumring REDD+ Project, a collaborative initiative between South Korea and Cambodia, spans 67,791 hectares in Sandan and Santuk districts of Kampong Thom province. Beyond protecting community forest land and improving the livelihoods of local communities, the project is estimated to reduce annual carbon emissions by 378,434 tons. It also strengthens law enforcement efforts by supporting the forestry administration officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, as well as other enforcement teams. The team is working on reforestation efforts in designated reforestation stations and prioritizing natural forest conservation zones, reforestation areas and community development zones to enhance the livelihoods of community members within the project area. Read more at: