KhmerTimes-July 29, 2024

Cambodia is ranked first in the Asia-Pacific region for its progress in the fight against HIV/AIDS, according to the joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

The ranking came following the participation of Senior Minister Ieng Mouly, President of the National AIDS Authority (NAA), and his delegation at the AIDS 2024 Conference in Munich, Germany, where positive progress in the battle against HIV/AIDS was discussed. In a press conference on Saturday, Mouly said that the Conference demonstrated scientific progress, citing news that researchers had found a way to prevent HIV transmission by injecting at-risk persons twice a year with a preventive medication to ensure that they will not contract the disease. Despite development of preventive methods, concerns remain about reducing the number of new infections, which are projected to reach 370,000 worldwide by 2025. He added that funds and resources to reduce HIV/AIDS cases are also limited, which is a challenge for all countries, especially Cambodia, to overcome. Despite the challenge, UNAIDS remains convinced that the goal of ending HIV/AIDS by 2030 can still be achieved if financial aid is not reduced and human rights are fully respected. Cambodia also ranked 11th among 196 countries around the world due to the steps it has taken to tackle the problem and the progress that has been made, according to Mouly at the 54th UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) meeting in Geneva from June 25–27. Read more at: